torek, 24. maj 2016

Hitting the rails

First day on the go.
We started our trip in Ljubljana, Slovenia at 7:00. Our first public transport ride was with city bus from our homes to the main train station. As usually we faced no problems as dogs are very well accepted on Ljubljana's city buses. You do not have to pay extra for them, however they do need to wear a muzzle. On the other hand dogs are not welcome on intercity buses. Our question is; WHY? :) 
Prvi dan potovanja.
Pot sva začeli že v Ljubljani, okoli 7.00 zjutraj, ko sva se z Ljubljanskim potniškim prometom odpeljali od doma do glavne železniške postaje. Kot ponavadi, tukaj nisva naleteli na nikakršne probleme saj so psi na LPP avtobusih dovoljeni. Za njih ni potrebno doplačilo le nositi morajo nagobčnike. Drugo skrajnosti pa predstavljajo slovenski medkrajevni avtobusi kjer psi niso dovoljeni. Najino vprašanj: ZAKAJ?

Whumie&Vicky on a train from Villach to München 🚈

Buying the tickets we realized how expensive it actually is to travel with a dog. Each of us paid 292 eur for 10day Interrail ticket while dogs got charged 113,6 eur just to get from Ljubljana to Brussels. 
Ob kupovanju kart sva ugotovili kako drago je pravzaprav potovati s psom. Vsaka od naju je za 10 dnevno Interrail karto plačala 292 eur, medtem ko so psom, za potovanje od Ljubljane do Bruslja, zaračunali 113 eur.

So once on board our 14hours, long awaited, trip began. Vicky and Whumie were both sleeping all the way and the only time they crawled out of their hiding places that happened to be deep under our seats, was when we had to switch trains. We transferred three times. First time in Villach, Austria, second time in Munich and third time in Koln, Germany. The staff was very kind to our dogs, no matter what train we were on, they even called them lovely and well behaved. The attitude of people was however changing from country to country. It went all the way from one extreme to another. Some people blinded with their own busy life, rushing around and not caring eather they step on their feet or bump into them with their suitcase, while the others explosively apologizing for barely touching them. It reached its final point in Belgium where we noticed people were widely avoiding dogs or jumping off their seats when we passed by. 
Vkrcani na vlak smo našo 14 urno, dolgo pričakovano pot, končno le začeli. Vicky in Whumie sta celotno pot prespala pod najinimi sedeži. Ven sta prilezla le takrat, ko smo morali zamenjati vlak. Prestopali smo trikrat; v Beljaku, Munchenu in Kölnu. Osebje na vseh vlakih je bilo zelo prijazno, označili so ju celo za ljubka in lepo vzgojena. Odnos ostalih potnikov pa se je na drugi strani spreminjal iz ene skrajnosti v drugo. Srečali sva tako tiste, ki so bili tako zaslepljeni s svojim hitrim življenjem, da niso imeli časa niti pogledati kje stopajo in so nemalokrat pohodili ali se spotaknili ob psa, do tistih, ki so se nenehno opravičevali že če so se jih le rahlo dotaknili. Vrhunec je doseglo, ko so se nama v Belgiji na vlaku ljudje začeli opazno izogibati in umikati.

Arriving to Brussels
Once planning a trip with your dog using public transport always note they need a break to stretch their legs, do their business and free their minds running and playing. 
Med planiranjem potovanja s psom je vedno potrebno poskrbeti, da imajo med potjo dovolj izhodov, da pretegnejo noge, opravijo svoje potrebe ter se sprostijo s tekanjem in igro.

After the long day we were all fairly exhausted. The reason why it took us so long is that dogs are not allowed on night or fast (THA) trains. Otherwise we could start our way the day before and arrive to Brussels in the early hours of the next day or at least hours earlier if travelling with THA trains. We confirmed that dogs are not representing any major distraction or thread to anyone, therefore we really don't understand the reason why. Furthermore we don't understand what makes them charged half of the regular human price for the ticked if all they get is a small place in a size of a backpack under your seat. Once the trains are fully occupied it even worseness. All you can get then is a little spot outside the cabins where everyone is passing by and stepping on their paws. Moreover they constantly have to move and give space to passengers going on and off the train, which makes them very nervous as they do not understand what is happening and why they just can't settle down. 
Po dolgem dnevu potovanja, smo bili vsi do konca izmučeni. Razlog, da je pot trajala tako dolgo pa je ta, da psi niso dovoljeni ne na nočnih ne na hitrih (THA) vlakih. V nasprotnem primeru bi našo pot lahko začeli že v večernih urah prejšnjega dne in na cilj prišli v jutranjih naslednjega ali pa vsaj kakšno uro prej. Med potovanjem sva potrdili najino domnevo, da psi ne predstavljajo nikakršne motnje za ostale potnike, tako da sedaj še manj razumeva prepoved psov na nekaterih vlakih. Poleg tega ne razumeva čemu je za psa potrebno plačati polovično ceno redne vozovnice, če v zameno dobijo le majhen prostor pod sedežem. Ko pa se vlaki napolnijo, se situacija še poslabša. Takrat je možno sedeti le izven kabin v medprostoru vagonov. Samo po sebi to  ne predstavlja problema, vendar pa nenehno vstajanje in umikanje potnikom, ki izstopajo in vstopajo, psom predstavlja nelagodnost in stres saj ne razumejo situacije in ne vedo zakaj ne morejo preprosto spati.

Time for some non-train-resting 💤

So, if they are offered nothing more than a tiny spot on the floor, what did we pay for?
Čemu torej taka cena, če v zameno dobijo le majhen prostorček na tleh?

11 komentarjev:

  1. Wow, that is definitely expensive for travelling with a dog if that is all you get! Did you have a separate part of the train for all pets, or did you get to sit at any place?
    In Scotland it's free to take up to two dogs/person on the train, and buses don't charge anything, but some drivers will just drive past if you have a dog. Most don't mind my crazy giant landseer though and end up asking questions about Jet instead of where we are wanting to go etc... :D

    1. Hi! Thank you for your message!:) You can get a seat anywhere in second class of course, but it's a little awkward to just sit next to anyone once the train is full as you never know who is scared or insecure around dogs...
      Hahaha that sounds lovely! To be honest, we are wanting to visit England and Scotland with a train next year if this trip now will turn out to be a success. Now we are even more pumped! 
      Greetings to you and Jet!

  2. I can't believe you are in brussels and I'm not there!! If you go back after the 7th, I would be truly happy to show you my favorite forest where I walk my Bolacha. :) Hope you have lots of fun!!

    1. We are leaving Brussels tomorrow morning, but Anja is coming back in summer so maybe you can meet then :)

    2. I would love to! You can only go there by car, but maybe you can go to Parc de Woluwe :)

    3. I'll be in Belgium with a car in the summer :)

  3. Ah, I travelled with my australian shepherd from north of France to south, and I thought all the way long that he was happy to not have a tail !
    I'm so excited to see you near me, I follow you since forever on Facebook or Youtube ! Any chance that we could share a little hike ? I live near Belgium and I know beautiful parks around lakes (but I must say that they can't be as lovely as the landcapes in Slovenia, it's pretty flat here !)
    Anyways I'll be happy to read your next posts, have a good time and shoot a ton of pictures for us !

    1. Hi ! We are leaving Brussels tomorrow but I will be back in the summer (end of July, beginning of August) and that time with a car so I'm more portable and we can meet!
      And thank you for your kind words!!

  4. Will you come to Hamburg some time? :)
    In the Summer holidays I use the train too, Lucy is smaller than a cat that's the reason why I don't have to pay anything for her. But it's not fair that big dogs always have to pay more than smaller ones!
    In Hamburg all dogs are welcome in trains and buses and don't cost anything.

    Have fun, I'm excited to see more pictures and maybe a Video :P
    Greatings from Hamburg

    1. Hi!
      Hmmm, tempting! We will definitely let you know if we ever drive through Hamburg!
      Possibly a video in the end of our trip as well, yes! :D

      Have a nice day, greets to you and Lucy! :)
