After the
night in Leipzig we were again heading to another meet up with one of our
followers. But we forgot that we don't know the city. Can't even it's easy to get lost in Leipzig but we managed without even trying; it was probably a pure result of being tired. In
spite of the fact that we went off on the wrong station, walked to the right
one and took the wrong bus, we were
pleased with our final destination. That is why the title of this blog could also be: How to beat the distance of 1 km in two hours - with public transport.
Po noči v Leipzigu smo se ponovno odpravili na srečanje z še eno bralko našega bloga. Ob temu pa sva pozabili, da mesta sploh ne poznamo. Težko je sicer reči, da se je v Leipzigu lahko izgubiti a nam je to brez truda uspelo. Po vsej verjetnosti je bi to rezultat pomanjkanja spanca. Kljub temu, da smo izstopili na napačni postaji, se sprehodili do prave in tam usedli na napačen avtobus, smo bili na koncu vsi navdušeni nad končno destinacijo. Zaradi vsega tega, bi naslov današnjega bloga lahko bit tudi: Kako premagati razdaljo enega kilometra v dveh urah – z javnim prevozom.
Cospudener See is
definitely a place to go if you're
visiting Leipzig with your dog or alone (You see what we did there (: ). Forrest, number of paths, sandy beach and a
huge lake. We even found a dog beach which wasn't at all what you usually see
(the most rocky part of every single beach out there…), but a nice sandy coast
with a nice and easy access to the water. The dogs had the time of their lives! Nothing
beats water fun! We only wish people picked poo after their dogs – it's not a part
of the pleasent stay on the beach.
Cospudener See je vsekakor lokacija, ki se jo splača videti med obiskom Leipziga s psom ali brez. Gozd, neskončno potk, peščena plaža in ogromno jezero. Našli smo celo pasjo plažo, ki je bila čisto nasprotje temu, česar smo pasji ljudje navajeni (najbolj neuporaben in skalnat del vsake plaže,...), pač pa lepa peščena obala s preprostim dostopom do vode. Psa sta uživala! Nič ne premaga vodne zabave! Edino kar bi še želeli je to, da bi lastniki za svojimi psi vestno pobirali iztrebke saj to vsekakor ni del prijetnega preživljanja časa na plaži.
Due to our spectacular orientational skills we had to reschedule our meeting. We met up in the park closer to the city centre later in the afternoon. We walked through it and enjoyed the beautiful river as well as many many walking paths. Again a great place to walk the dogs and just let them run free.
Zaradi najinih odličnih orientacijskih sposobnosti, sva srečanje z bralko najinega bloga morali prestaviti na popoldne. Tako smo se srečali v parku blizu centra mesta, kjer smo uživali ob prelepi reki in mnogo sprehajalnih poteh. Še ena odlična lokacija za sprehod s psi.
By the end of the day we got so used to the city that we could find our way to any destination with trams and buses. What surprised us was that for the first time we had to pay extra ticket for the dogs; same price as for children up to 14 years which happened to be 3eur/dog for a daily ticket. A daily ticket for 2 adults was 10.5 eur per day. You can guess dogs didn't get a seat for that price!! Plus, they need to wear a muzzle. Signs are everywhere. (: At least drivers were very kind and people didn't seem to be bothered with dogs around.
Na koncu dneva smo se mesta tako privadili, da smo brez težav znašli z mestnimi avtobusi in tramvaji. Kar pa nas je presenetilo je to, da sva prvič na našem potovanju morali plačati tudi karto za psa. Cena je bila enaka kot za otroke do 14. leta starosti. Dnevna karta za 2 osebi pa je znašala 10.5 eur. Lahko si mislite, da psa za ceno karte nista dobila sedeža. Znaki so opazni vsepovsod. (: So bili pa vsaj vozniki zelo prijazni, ljudje pa so se obnašali, kot da so psi nekaj povsem običajnega. Aja, saj so. (:
Sightseeing of the centre is a part of every city we visit. Same as Amsterdam also Leipzig has a central train station a walk away from the city centre. It's one of the cities you would easily find yourself in.
That beach looks great - nothing like most of the "dog beaches" you usually see! Haha, 2h for 1km is something I could easily end up doing with public transport. I still remember how me and my friend went on the wrong train once and ended up travelling in the opposite direction we were wanting to go to... :'D